Dr. Jain's Herbal Products is one of the well-recognized manufacturers of Herbal Health, Skin & Hair Care Ayurvedic Powders, Gels & Aromatic Essential Oils. As per the demands, a well-researched formulation based on pure herbal and superior quality Ayurvedic products. Sandalwood Oil is a 100% Natural Extract that prevents hyperpigmentation, uplifts the mind, treats dandruff, and acts as an anti-depressant.
How to Use
Application of the diluted oil on the scar will help to Lighten Marks
Rub a drop around the gums for 2 mins and rinse it off with lots of water later to Strengthen Gums & Teeth
Dilute with a carrier oil or soap lotion and apply to skin to Treat Allergies
Apply the oil on chest and back to Treat Cold & Cough
1-2 drops of the oil can be consumed with milk or water to Reduce Blood Pressure & Hyper- Tension
Dlute the oil with almond/ coconut oil and further consume it with milk/ water can help to Cure Ulcers
Put a few drops in your daily lotion to Moisturize Skin
Mix a few drops with almond oil and massage all over the body to Enrich Skin Nourishment
Dilute 2 drops with any carrier oil and apply in circular motions to Tighten Skin
Pour the oil in a kettle and heat it and diffuse the scents around your home to Practice Aroma Therapy
Pour the oil in a diffuser and inhale the steam to Soothe Nerves
Mix 4-5 drops in your sprayer and spray in every corner of the house to Keep Insects Away
Helps To Fade Scars
Strengthens Gums & Teeth
Treats Allergies
Treats Cold & Cough
Reduces Blood Pressure & Hyper- Tension
Cure Ulcers
Moisturizes Skin
Enrich Skin Nourishment
Tightens Skin
Aroma Therepy
Soothe Nerves
Keeps Insects Away
Sandalwood Oil is a 100% Natural Extract of Sandalwood Trees.
Sandalwood Oil is a 100% Natural Extract of Sandalwood Trees.
Sandalwood Oil helps to prevent hyperpigmentation
Dr. Jain's Sandalwood Oil stimulates and uplifts the mind
Sandalwood Oil avails to treat dandruff
Sandalwood Oil by Dr. Jain's has anti-depressant effects
Description Dr. Jain's Herbal Products is one of the well-recognized manufacturers of Herbal Health, Skin & Hair Care Ayurvedic Powders, Gels & Aromatic Essential Oils. As per the demands, a well-researched formulation based on pure herbal and superior quality Ayurvedic products. Keshika Hair Colour...
Description Dr. Jain's Herbal Products is one of the well-recognized manufacturers of Herbal Health, Skin & Hair Care Ayurvedic Powders, Gels & Aromatic Essential Oils. As per the demands, a well-researched formulation based on pure herbal and superior quality Ayurvedic products. Jaswand Kesh Tel...
Description Dr. Jain's Herbal Products is one of the well-recognized manufacturers of Herbal Health, Skin & Hair Care Ayurvedic Powders, Gels & Aromatic Essential Oils. As per the demands, a well-researched formulation based on pure herbal and superior quality Ayurvedic products. Jaswand Kesh Tel...
Description Dr. Jain's Herbal Products is one of the well-recognized manufacturers of Herbal Health, Skin & Hair Care Ayurvedic Powders, Gels & Aromatic Essential Oils. As per the demands, a well-researched formulation based on pure herbal and superior quality Ayurvedic products. Keshika Hair Colour...
Description Dr. Jain's Herbal Products is one of the well-recognized manufacturers of Herbal Health, Skin & Hair Care Ayurvedic Powders, Gels & Aromatic Essential Oils. As per the demands, a well-researched formulation based on pure herbal and superior quality Ayurvedic products. Jaswand Kesh Tel...
Description Dr. Jain's Herbal Products is one of the well-recognized manufacturers of Herbal Health, Skin & Hair Care Ayurvedic Powders, Gels & Aromatic Essential Oils. As per the demands, a well-researched formulation based on pure herbal and superior quality Ayurvedic products. Jaswand Kesh Tel...
Description Dr. Jain's Herbal Products is one of the well-recognized manufacturers of Herbal Health, Skin & Hair Care Ayurvedic Powders, Gels & Aromatic Essential Oils. As per the demands, a well-researched formulation based on pure herbal and superior quality Ayurvedic products. Keshika Hair Colour...
Description Dr. Jain's Herbal Products is one of the well-recognized manufacturers of Herbal Health, Skin & Hair Care Ayurvedic Powders, Gels & Aromatic Essential Oils. As per the demands, a well-researched formulation based on pure herbal and superior quality Ayurvedic products. Jaswand Kesh Tel...
Description Dr. Jain's Herbal Products is one of the well-recognized manufacturers of Herbal Health, Skin & Hair Care Ayurvedic Powders, Gels & Aromatic Essential Oils. As per the demands, a well-researched formulation based on pure herbal and superior quality Ayurvedic products. Jaswand Kesh Tel...